What a milestone to celebrate! I’m so grateful for your willingness to be vulnerable…in the book and in this birthday celebration post! It’s what we love about you! You speak such great truth! It’s your absolute truth and honesty that encourages us to confront and heal! Don’t doubt that your words are making an impact! “and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”” John 8:32


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Thank you! And you are so correct “Don’t doubt that your words are making an impact.” I am often impacted by someone’s words or art and I don’t get a chance to tell them so!

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You well capture the highs and lows of getting a book out into the world, Christy. It's tough to be an author, and yet one of the most rewarding things we can do. Love this—and Happy Birthday to a beautiful and important memoir!

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Thank you Brooke! And thank you for your tireless effort in championing us writers! I wouldn’t be here without you.

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I’m so glad you didn’t skip the party. You made me laugh and cry in this lovely tribute. It takes a special kind of courage to run into a burning building, but another kind of special courage to write a book like yours. I am thankful to you for both. Raising a glass to you and to Flash Point, and ever so grateful that writing brought you into my life. ❤️

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Thank you so much for this - the feeling is very mututal.

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Happy Birthday to Flashpoint Christy! I’m so grateful you wrote it. Thank you for inspiring me. For helping me. You have made a difference in my life in so many ways and I want to acknowledge you and let you know how much I appreciate you. I know you have invested so much of your heart and soul into birthing Flashpoint. I can only imagine the mixture of emotions that must arise as you reflect on this 1 year anniversary. I’m glad you took the time to celebrate and acknowledge this important milestone. It’s an accomplishment worth recognizing every year for the rest of your life IMHO.

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Thank you so much Teri - you are an inspiration to me!!

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I fucking love you ❤️❤️❤️ glorious remarkable you.

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Thank you Amy. I so needed to hear exactly this today. The feeling is very mutual.

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Got it right Sister Writer. Writing and Publishing is not for the faint- hearted. You did it.

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Happy birthday Flash Point! You came up in my Facebook memories! What a book and gift to the world you are and your author is pretty awesome too. Super glad we’re sisters. Love ya!

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SUPER duper glad we are sisters!!!

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Happiest of birthdays to Flash Point!

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Merry memoir milestone day to you and your book, Christy! Let's keep spreading the word about our memoirs so they stay alive.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FLASH POINT!!! I am forever grateful for your courage and humor and grit in writing it, for the fact that we both ended up with She Writes Press, and for the phenomenal book you brought into the world. And for our friendship that started when I walked into a screen door at that She Writes Press party, back when we were babies and knew nothing about publishing!

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SO grateful we are sisters in writing. You so rock the casbah!!!

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