You hit it out of the park. Finding wisdom at the DMV. We can always learn something from anyone if we look and listen.

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Somehow you made a trip to the DMV interesting! Great read😊

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Thank you so much Kristi!!!! And great name (even tho you spell it wrong LOL)!!

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Ummm, I think everyone knows that the letter K has dominion over the k sound, so who is spelling it wrong??

Love your writing<3

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lol! 🤔 I must say you are correct about the “K” sound. I never even thought of that. But you regardless you are spelling tit wrong. And thank you so much - I can’t tell you how amazing feels to hear someone say they like my writing.

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Ok, agree to disagree. 😂

And yes for sure, I look forward to reading more!

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Jan 6Edited

Christy! Your writing is incredible! So honest and real - and funny! Thank you for sharing your world with the world! I’m so glad Kerry let us know about you and your work. Blessings. 🙏

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Thank you so much Jane!!!!!!!!

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First of all, you could write a Substack about buttering a piece of toast and I would read it and probably laugh out loud at least two or three times. But the DMV is a freaking gold mine, esp. if you're old enough to be a member of the AARP and you have to deal with the surreal weirdness of explaining that you are not, in fact, an emancipated minor needing a learner's permit. And oh man, did you get a lot of gold out of that mine!

I loved every word of this—the way you captured the surreal, molasses-slow rhythms of the DMV, the fact that the posters that say the exact opposite of what is actually happening, the emotional gut-punch at the end. All of it. Thank you, thank you for deciding it's time to get your shit together and write more. It's a gift to all of us.

Also, not that you asked for advice, but I have the same exact internal monologue every time I write anything and I have found that what helps is... just actually writing. Like, the more I write the more it feels like a part of my routine, which I know is what all the writing advice says to do—JUST WRITE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE—but I am here to tell you that the advice works, and it only took me a couple of decades to buy in.

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I love the crap out of you! And you speak my love language, “Just write for fucks sake!” I cannot thank you enough for support - I probably would have quit this a while back if it weren’t for you!

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I was at the DMV 2 weeks ago, and as they have every time for the last dozen years renewing, they said "Oh, you have a commercial license, an ambulance drivers license, that's the problem..." Of course I always act surprised and ask "when the last time I renewed that, I forget?" and they check..."23 years ago," Really how much of a problem is that?

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I love this. Ditto what all the others said. Please write more!

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Despite the poignancy of your underlying message, I found myself literally laughing out loud. At almost 78 years of age, the same questions continue: who am I, what am I, do I matter? Somehow confronting those questions at the DMV is downright funny!! An anthology, Christy - please!

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Carol you SOO matter!! Thank you again for your relentless support of me and my writing. It means the world.

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Sobering to have the answer on the spot that you are no longer driving a fire engine.

I have had to fill-out forms that provide the binary choices of: (1) employed; or (2) unemployed. I, too, felt a momentary loss of a 30 year identity.

Waiting at the DMV does bring some awareness about all of our fellow Californians. Thanks for expressing yourself.

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It’s the surprise grief that sneaks up on you like a little b at the dmv - Geeze. I loved this, and am so glad I’m a subscriber!

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Once again, a great piece. And on a day when I'm staring Imposter Syndrome right in the face. Who am I? What am I? Sometimes it's like you're writing just for me. Thank you.

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Thank you Dave! So many of us, probably all of us, go through this. It just helps so much to hear that other people do!

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This is a great piece, Christy. Relatable and f-ing annoying as shit and yet so very poignant.

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Thank you Brooke!

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Love this. I could read your writing for hours and hours straight and never be bored. And yes, Harriet at the DMV would’ve been perfection. Add a Christmas sweater, even better.

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Yes, Christmas sweater for Harriet. Lots of gold, please, to go with her English cream coloring (like winter white).

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Thank you Julie!!!!

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Christy- you made me laugh out loud. The DMV experience is always surreal to me.

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Great piece Christy! I thought, do I really want to go to the DMV again? And then I took your hand and had a great time discovering sometimes you never know where the most valuable lessons will come from..

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Love love LOVE this! You are an amazing writer Christy! Can’t wait for you to publish all of these!!!

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Damnit, I wish (no offense) that you had to wait longer because I want more, more, more to read here!

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