I love you! You have accomplished so much in your life. You walk through things you don't want to and you do it with your head held high. That is called growth! You grow and grow because you are an amazing kind loving woman that I am proud to know.

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Thank you Sandy! The feeling is mutual!

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Omg you’re TOTALLY enough. You’re amazing. Those other numbers don’t mean as much to me as YOU do. Think of those numbers in a different way. Those are people that you’ve touched, you’ve inspired, you’ve maybe helped in their journey. Like that one star in the sky, really, you’re all that matters!! And if you’ve reached one person, you’ve done something incredible.

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Thank you Jen. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

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Thank you Christy for your naked truth and vulnerability! Love your style of writing. You will have 1 less book to sell as I just purchased your book!

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Thank you Debi so very much!!!!

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You made my eyes water. You are beyond more than enough…you set the bar. I am glad you were able to take time with Harriet and just be present (while petting her!). We all need to do that more often. I love you to pieces.

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And thank you for being my #1 fan

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I love YOU to pieces

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You are an inspiration with your raw candor and resilience. Your writing, podcasts and work as a peer mentor touches and helps thousands. If we each help just one person, our world is a better place.

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Thank you Larissa ❤️❤️

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Oh my goddess - this, you… oh oh oh oh I love you so very much. Thank you for writing this. I desperately needed it. Thank you. My ‘much more than enough’ friend.

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YOU are so enough! Like over the top! You are a beautiful beautiful human being. And thank you for your comment that warmed my heart.❤️

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Your peers are looking forward to working with you in the future. The lives touched, aided and saved in your career multiplied by those struggling who you have given a voice to in your podcasts, reach a far larger audience who realize they are also not alone, thank you.

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So beautiful, Christy. It's so hard not to measure. I do it too. I'm sure there's some fun childhood stuff to unpack in there. I think some of the most impactful things you've done in your life are actually immeasurable. Your impact = beyond any measurement. So much love to you.

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Thank you so much Julie! It’s so true - I don’t think most of us realize how much we impact others with simply the smallest of motion. So much love back to you!

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I love this so much! This quote especially— "We have to make it about the journey. I have to make it about the journey. I think that’s what mindfulness and all that other hippy-dippy talk is about"—but really all of it. Also, you reminded me of a VERY hippy-dippy yoga teacher I once had who ended every practice with the words, "Remember that right here, right now, you're perfect just the way you are," and she was absolutely right, goddamnit.

Also, the image of you lying on the concrete gazing at the stars and petting Harriet completely undid me. You are fucking more than enough.

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Your very hippy-dippy yoga teacher WAS right!!! Thank you for your never wavering support - it helps me (like for reals) know that I am enough.

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Thank you Bob

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Every star twinkles in its own way but I’m sure you noticed that with Harry the other night. They don’t compare and despair. They shine their own light, whatever it is. You are such a light! 🩷

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Well crap. I read this, on the very day, at the very hour I needed it most. It was perfect. Picked up the phone to call you. Lost your number in a flurry of ever-failing phone devices and lost syncs.

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Oh Christy I absolutely needed to read this! The timing is spooky perfect! You simply bring joy to my heart!

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